2017-01-16 - Rock Creek with Gayatri and Barry


~17.1 miles @ ~13.2 min/mi

"Take that hill!" Barry's green Marine Corps Marathon shirt brings a martial spirit to a meanering run through the Woodside neighborhood. "Race you to the top!" He drops to the street and does ten push-ups. Oorah!

Earlier, at 6am Gayatri by chance has on an identical MCM shirt as we set out from Candy Cane City, dodging potholes and puddles along Beach Drive by headlamp's glow. In Rock Creek Park three police cars blast past, sirens screaming, crimson-and-blue lights strobing. Sunrise brings out squirrels; a chipmunk scurries across the street in front of us. Two iridescent-green-headed male mallards and a dun female paddle in a tiny trail-side pond. Gayatri tells of a film she saw recently from Maharashtra, the Indian state of which Mumbai is the capital. Last night's spicy Sichuan carry-out from Joe's Noodles fuels her run.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-02-15